Secret Santa – Ho Ho Ho or No No No?

The festive period is now here with a vengeance and the usual round of workplace traditions are probably well underway. Ask most people which one they dread the most and Secret Santa will come somewhere near the top of the list.

Here at New Dawn Resources, we have to deal with the consequences of quite a lot of “festive traditions” but to avoid being described as HR Ebenezer’s here are some of our top tips to help prevent Secret Santa turning into The Nightmare Before Christmas.

  • Include everyone as much as possible – if you are going to have a Secret Santa invite all and be gracious to those who do not want to join in.
  • Set a sensible budget – too low and you risk people receiving really tatty gifts that could lead to offence if they are discarded, too high and people will feel pressured. £10-15 is usually good but make it clear what is the upper amount.
  • Put out general guidelines – do not suggest edible underwear, books about the mating rituals of any species and lifestyle advice or slogans that may offend, this is the road to awkward workplace moments. Give participants hints in the form a snappy guide when they agree to take part.
  • Ensure that it is randomly selected – people will discuss who they have got but the fun is in the random presents.
  • As much as possible make sure everyone can be there for the giving and opening ceremony. If you have to backfill positions organise and ask people before the day.

And finally, if you are given something that is not your taste, or you really don’t like, take it home to dispose of it rather than at work. If the worst comes to the worst you can recycle it back for next year’s Secret Santa.

Whatever the festive season brings you we at New Dawn wish you a very happy one and a prosperous 2018.