The 3rd March is Employee Appreciation Day

There are lots of “national” days in the calendar, but at New Dawn Resources Ltd we think that tomorrow is a good one to participate in, as March 3rd is Employee Appreciation Day.

It’s been a challenging few years and there is lots of evidence that employees are having to work harder and more creatively to help organisations face some of those challenges. Recognising employee’s contributions and efforts goes a long way to ensuring employees remain engaged and motivated to continue to do the best for your organisation.

Are there other reasons to celebrate employees on Employee Appreciation Day? Absolutely. By showing employees they are valued, you boost employee morale, become an even greater place to work, and build a company culture where employees thrive. Here are some ways you can use tomorrow to appreciate your employees:

Recognise all of them – office and remote – send them an email or note to say thank you – maybe with a voucher to buy a cup of something and give your team the time to enjoy it. 
Ask your team to nominate a colleague that they want to say thank you to and celebrate that person.
Leave a little gift for your team – Cadburys cream eggs go down well here and recently cool Popsockets for our phones.

These are just a few ideas organisations can use to celebrate with employees. We have sent flowers to a member of our team who quietly gets on and New Dawn could not work without her.
Thank you, Jo.

#teamculture #humanresources #employeeappreciationday #hr #staffmorale #thankyouteam