Today is Stress Awareness Day

When does a healthy degree of challenge that drives good performance tip the balance into stress? And, how long can managers and their teams work with stress before it takes a toll?

Left unchecked, stress can have a serious impact on individual wellbeing and wide ramifications for business – error rates increase, productivity drops and sickness absence can start to spiral. 

To break the chain reaction, National Stress Awareness Day is a day-long event to take a deep breath and embrace peace. The day is celebrated mid-week on Wednesday (usually the most exhausting, stressful day) to remind individuals and businesses that stress management is fundamental to optimum performance.

To mark this day New Dawn are hosting a Mental Health Awareness event alongside our friends at the Heritage Exchange in Huddersfield to raise money for two local charities who support our communities to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

We shall be giving our time and expertise for free in order to deliver a ½ day mental health awareness session, while the Heritage Exchange are kindly providing the training venue and light refreshments.

To be held on Thursday 24th November we will be hosting the session from 9.30am till 12.30pm. Spaces are limited, so please get in touch to secure your place.

To attend we are asking for a donation fee of £35 plus VAT. All money raised will be split between two charities and we have selected ‘Growing works’ and ‘S2R create Space’ to benefit from the event.

To attend this event please contact us at New Dawn by emailing [email protected] or call 01484 680098

And for more information about the charities we are supporting, please check out: and